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API Instructions for Call Records

			Gets all records so far today GMT
			Get all records from yesterday GMT
			Get all records from yesterday Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)
			Get all records from today 09:00 to 13:00 PDT
			Get all records so far today (PDT) for phone numbers 2134521551,8884521551,8884521551
			Get all records so far today GMT in XML
			Get all records so far today GMT in XML to DNIS 8884521551, but only fields CallerID and durationSeconds.,durationSeconds
			?u= REQUIRED username
			&p= REQUIRED password  !!! if you run from a browser, be sure to clear your history !!!
			&range=      OPTIONAL, defaults to yesterday. One of: lastHour,currentHour,yesterday,today,lastMonth, or currentMonth
			&rangeStart= OPTIONAL, ignored if range present.  One of: YYYMMDD, YYYMMDDhh, or YYYYMMDDhhmm
			&rangeEnd=   OPTIONAL, only used if rangeStart present.  One of: YYYMMDD, YYYMMDDhh, or YYYYMMDDhhmm
			&timzeone=   OPTIONAL, defaults to GMT.  Integer -24 to +24
			&dnisList=   OPTIONAL, defaults to all.  Comma delimited list of DNISs (phone numbers). Example: &dnislist=8884521505,2134521505
			&format=     OPTIONAL, defaults to html.  One of: comma,xml,html
			&fields=     OPTIONAL, defaults to all.  Any of: GUID,DNIS,appear,callerID,DestinationNumber,setuptime,timeanswer,timeend,durationSeconds
			&orderBy=    OPTIONAL, defaults to setuptime.  Any of: DNIS,callingnumber,DestinationNumber,setuptime,timeanswer,timeend,durationSeconds
			&delivery=   OPTIONAL, defaults to HTTPresponse.  One of: HTTPResponse,email,ftp
			&returnIncompleteCalls = OPTIONAL, defaults to 0.  Integer 0 or 1
			DNIS is the phone number supplied by us and only contains digits, no special characters.
			More specifically, it is the number we use internally to identify each phone number.
			The DNIS is normally very similar to the actual number callers dial.  In some special
			cases, this number may be very different from what callers dial.  Example: Our China
			tollfree number is 10-800-712-1111/10-800-120-1111 which is associated to an internal
			DNIS that happens to be only 10 digits long.
			GUID is the globally unique ID generated by our telephone network.